#sh "when you claim your mount from the stable.. this automatically writes its name to variable mount_riding" #TRIGGER {^(%w), * is retrieved from stall %d and handed over to you.$} {#var mount_riding %lower("%1")} #sh " this marks up which mount you are riding to mount_riding" #TRIGGER {^You get up * (%w) and begin to ride.$} {#var mount_riding %lower("%1");#var mount 1} #sh "when monster knocks you off your mount, this automatically leads the mount... leads the mount in @mount_riding" #TRIGGER {^You are knocked off your mount!$} {#sub {%trigger %ansi(bold,green)>> KNOCKED OFF FROM MOUNT};lead @mount_riding} #sh "another similar message... automatically leads it" #TRIGGER {^Your mount throws you!} {#sub {%trigger %ansi(bold,green)>> KNOCKED OFF FROM MOUNT};lead @mount_riding} #sh " marks up the time when protect mount is casted... protect mount lasts max 60 minutes" #TRIGGER {^* is surrounded by a shimmering white aura which quickly fades.$} {#var protect_mount_timer %eval(%time(dd)*24*3600+%time(hh)*3600+%time(nn)*60+%time(ss))} #sh " protect mount off" #TRIGGER {^Your protection spell on * has worn off.$} {timer protect_mount_timer;#sh >> PROTECT MOUNT OFF > @timed} #sh " @mount_stall is a list of mounts which are outside of the stall atm... its a reminder you don't forget" #sh " to store them back... this also 0's the mount feed timer" #TRIGGER {^(%w), * is retrieved from stall ? and handed over to you.$} {#additem mount_stall %1;#var feed_mount_timer %eval(%time(dd)*24*3600+%time(hh)*3600+%time(nn)*60+%time(ss))} #sh " first login of the day after boot... this nulls mount_stall" #TRIGGER {^Moving to starting location.$} {#var prots %null;#var eskin_count 0;#var mount_stall %null;#var mantle_count 0} #sh " removes a mount from the @mount_stall reminder list" #TRIGGER {^(%w), * has been stored in stall ?.$} {#delitem mount_stall %1} #sh " just a highlight" #TRIGGER {You are now off your mount.} {#sub {%trigger %ansi(bold,green)>> OFF YOUR MOUNT};#var mount 0} #sh " @your_mounts is a variable with all the names of my mounts... " #sh " when i see my mount without it being ridden or lead, this trigger automatically leads it" #TRIGGER {^(%w), the * {crab|bear|chimera|drake|griffon}$} {#if (%pos(%lower("%1"),@your_mounts)!=0) {lead %lower("%1")}} #sh " same as previous" #TRIGGER {^(%w), the * {crab|bear|chimera|drake|griffon} ~$} {#if (%pos(%lower("%1"),@your_mounts)!=0) {lead %lower("%1")}} #sh " just a highlight" #TRIGGER {^You begin to lead } {#co blue} #sh " if i type ride and there a fight going on... this leads it" #TRIGGER {^You cannot start riding while in combat!} {lm} #sh "when mount, which is in my @your_mounts list appears, this automatically leads it" #TRIGGER {^(%w) appears instantly.$} {#if (%pos(%lower("%1"),@your_mounts)!=0) {lead %lower("%1")}} #sh " this nulls the feed timer" #TRIGGER {^You feed * who eats it.$} {#var feed_mount_timer %eval(%time(dd)*24*3600+%time(hh)*3600+%time(nn)*60+%time(ss))} #sh " this reminds every 30 minustes or so which mounts are outside the stable... just a reminder" #ALARM {-30:00} {#if (@mount_stall!=%null) {#SH %ansi(red,blink)>>>>>>>>> ALL MOUNTS ARE NOT CHESTED @mount_stall}} #sh " automatical lead" #TRIGGER {^The ice makes a sound below your mount, scaring it!} {lead @mount_riding} #sh "a highlight" #TRIGGER {^{@your_mounts} panics and attempts to flee.} {#sub {%line %ansi(cyan,bold,blink)>> LÄHTI JUOKSEEN KARKUUN!}} #sh " 'pm' casts protect mount at @mount_riding... 'pm bear' casts it to bear" #ALIAS pm {#if ("%1"=%null) {cast protect mount at @mount_riding} {cast protect mount at "%-1"};#if (@mount=1) {dm;#Sh %ansi(bold,red)>> %ansi(bold,white,blink)DISMOUNT! %ansi(bold,red)<<<>;#Sh %ansi(bold,red)>> %ansi(bold,white,blink)DISMOUNT! %ansi(bold,red)<<<>;#Sh %ansi(bold,red)>> %ansi(bold,white,blink)DISMOUNT! %ansi(bold,red)<<}} #sh " basic alias that makes storing mount easyer... removes noeq from it too" #ALIAS store {dismount mount;release;get noeq from %-1;release;~store %-1;blook} #sh " 'sm' summonts mount at @mount_riding, 'sm sulla' summons mount nammed 'sulla'" #ALIAS sm {lead mount;#if ("%1"=%null) {cast summon mount at @mount_riding} {cast summon mount at %-1}} #sh " 'hm' casts heal mount at mount in @mount_riding, 'hm bear' casts it to bear" #ALIAS hm {#if ("%1"=%null) {cast heal mount at @mount_riding;scan @mount_riding} {cast heal mount at %-1;scan %-1}} #sh " 'rm' releases the mount(if you are leading it) and tries to ride it... if you are unable to ride," #sh " my triggers should lead it automatically" #sh " 'rm' tries to ride mount in @mount_riding, 'rm bear' tries to ride bear" #ALIAS rm {release;#if ("%1"=%null) {ride @mount_riding;scan @mount_riding} {ride "%-1";scan "%-1"}} "mount" #sh " feeds corpse to @mount_riding" #ALIAS fec {get corpse;feed corpse to @mount_riding} "corpse" #sh " 'dm' dismounts you from your mount and immediately leads mount in @mount_riding" #sh " 'dm fdsfds'(fdsfds can be anything) dismounts you from your mount and RELEASES the mount... " #sh " purpose of 'dm fdsfds' is to leave your mount behind" #ALIAS dm {#if ("%1"=%null) {dismount mount;lead @mount_riding} {dismount mount;release @mount_riding}} #sh " automatically leads mount in @mount_riding" #ALIAS lm {lead @mount_riding;scan @mount_riding} #sh " automatically dismount, refuels fire, and starts riding mount in @mount_riding" #ALIAS rr {dismount mount;refuel;ride @mount_riding} #sh " general alias i use... this shows when i last casted protect mount and when i last fed my mount... also has some other stuff in it too" #ALIAS tich {#var temp %null;#var temp2 %null;timer feed_mount_timer;#sh {>> MOUNT FEED > %ansi(bold,green)@timed};timer protect_mount_timer;#sh {>> PROTECT MOUNT > %ansi(bold,green)@timed};timer melodical_embracement_timer;#sh %ansi(bold,green)¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤;#sh {>> MELODICAL EMBRACEMENT > %ansi(bold,green)@timed};#if (@prots) {#forall @prots {timer %i"_timer";#var temp {@temp%replace( %i, "_", " ")@timed }};#var temp %replace(@temp, "[", "");#var temp %replace(@temp, "]", "")};#if (@prots) {#forall @prots {#var temp2 {@temp2%replace( %i, "_", " ")" "}}};#var temp2 %replace(@temp2, "[", "");#var temp2 %replace(@temp2, "]", "");#if ("%1"=%null) {#sh %ansi(blue)prots>%ansi(bold,white)%if(@unstun_temp=2,"Uns ",,)@temp%if(@eskin_count>0, ES(@eskin_count),"")%if(@mantle_count>0, VM(@mantle_count),"")} {#if ("%2"=%null) {#send {party say >%if(@unstun_temp=2,"Uns ",,)@temp2%if(@eskin_count>0, ES(@eskin_count),"")%if(@mantle_count>0, VM(@mantle_count),"")}} {#send {party say >%if(@unstun_temp=2,"Uns ",,)@temp%if(@eskin_count>0, ES(@eskin_count),"")%if(@mantle_count>0, VM(@mantle_count),"")}}};#var temp3 @temp2} "" #sh " brings mount into ship through hatch" #ALIAS hatchi {ship secure;console height 1;console height 10;console water 1;console water 10;console air 1;console air 10;helm;console info;hoho;case;view;plank fdsfds;paths;map;sailor signal ironclad;pursue;gangway w;gangway e;gangway s;gangway n;gangway sw;gangway se;gangway ne;gangway nw;gangway raise;rescue ironclad;d;open hatch;hatch;ride @mount_riding;pff;ironclad;close hatch;u} #sh " brings mount out of the ship" #ALIAS hatcho {rescue ironclad;ship secure;pff;d;open hatch;hatch;dismount @mount_riding;release;rescue ironclad;d;close hatch;u;jump overboard;lead @mount_riding} #sh " here i have added the name of all my mounts... if i see a mount from this list and its NOT" #sh " being led or ridden, i automatically lead it... if i summon a mount from this list, i automatically" #sh " lead it" #VAR your_mounts {kalu|molo|piru|xyra|paha|tuho|pora|tuska|rauli|manalainen|druga|death|rage|feuerhauch|rauta|crimson|hate|tappaja} #sh " mount related variables" #VAR protect_mount_timer {30} #VAR mount_riding {tappaja} #VAR mount_active {tuhooja} #VAR mount_stall {} #VAR mount {0} #VAR feed_mount_timer {432} #sh " some class" #CLASS {mount} #sh " basic timer function i use" #ALIAS timer {#var time @%1;#math timer_passed (%eval(%time(dd)*24*3600+%time(hh)*3600+%time(nn)*60+%time(ss))-@time);#math timer_h @timer_passed/3600;#math timer_m (@timer_passed-@timer_h*3600)/60;#math timer_s @timer_passed-@timer_h*3600-@timer_m*60;#if (%len( @timer_h)=1) {#var timer_h 0@timer_h};#if (%len( @timer_m)=1) {#var timer_m 0@timer_m};#if (%len( @timer_s)=1) {#var timer_s 0@timer_s};#var timed "%char(91)"%if( @timer_h!=0, @timer_h":")%if( @timer_m!=0, @timer_m":", "00:")%if( @timer_s!=0, @timer_s, "00")"%char(93)"} "" #sh " this reminds me to cast protect mount to my mount when abigail is nd.. cant remember reason anymore :D" #TRIGGER {^Abigail, the abbess is near death.} {#sh MUISTA TAIKOA PROTECT MOUNTTI MOUNTTIIN!;#sh MUISTA TAIKOA PROTECT MOUNTTI MOUNTTIIN!;#sh MUISTA TAIKOA PROTECT MOUNTTI MOUNTTIIN!;#sh MUISTA TAIKOA PROTECT MOUNTTI MOUNTTIIN!;#sh MUISTA TAIKOA PROTECT MOUNTTI MOUNTTIIN!;#sh MUISTA TAIKOA PROTECT MOUNTTI MOUNTTIIN!;#sh MUISTA TAIKOA PROTECT MOUNTTI MOUNTTIIN!} #sh " this is unsusable now... purpose of this is basically REMIND which mounts are out of the stable before you quit" #ALIAS quit {~close all chest;look;ssps;#alarm +2 {#sh >> ALL BARD SPELLS @summa};quote 'date' party say;#if (@mount_stall!=%null) {~quit stop;#SH %ansi(red,blink)>>>>>>>>> ALL MOUNTS ARE NOT CHESTED @mount_stall} {~quit};#var prots %null} ""